Spin-off tvrtke

Centar za promet i logistiku d.o.o.

Centre for Transport and Logistics Ltd.

Centre for Transport and Logistics Ltd. was founded by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and the University of Zagreb in 2015. It is engaged in the development of transportation and logistics projects, as well as the implementation of professional analyses in the field of transportation technology, transportation, and logistics.
The company’s activities include:



  • Design in the field of transportation and logistics
  • Certification in the field of transportation and logistics
  • Expert opinions in road, railway, air, water, and postal-telecommunications transport
  • Testing of traffic signage and equipment characteristics in transportation and logistics



  • Consulting related to business and management
  • Development of technologies in the field of transportation and logistics
  • Organization of seminars, congresses, concerts, symposia, fairs, events, exhibitions
  • Market research and public opinion polls


  • Representation of foreign companies
  • Publishing activities
  • Computer and related activities
  • Transportation for their own needs


The company is located at the Scientific-University Campus Borongaj, in the premises of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the University of Zagreb, at Borongajska cesta 83a, HR-10000, Zagreb.

E-mail: info@cpl.hr 
Web : http://www.cpl.hr/ 
Phone: +385 (1) 2380 350