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Support for Researchers

We offer

We provide support for innovation creation, their development and knowledge and technology transfer. The support is aimed at:

Project Cycle Management

Project cycle management support includes:

  • Identification of national and international funding sources for the University’s primary activities and constituents (NPOO, ESIF, Union Programs)
  • Development of project ideas, formulation of project ideas into project proposals
  • Finding partners/networking
  • Support in the processes of application, contracting and project implementation
  • Communication with contractual and intermediary bodies/donors
  • Training of researchers, teaching and non-teaching staff on project cycle management

For support, contact Vesna Kotarski, Head of the EU Projects Office:

Innovation Development



As part of research and development projects that increase the level of technology readiness level (TRL), we provide support in innovation management:

  • Planning innovation development steps and identifying funding sources that support development
  • Participation in projects within the national Proof of Innovative Concept program, as a Recognized Center
  • Innovation cycle management that follows development activities – initial analysis of commercial potential, analysis of market needs, initial activities in commercialization planning and market entry
  • Identification and connection with industrial and SME partners in innovation development and testing
  • Intellectual property management in development projects
  • Education related to innovation cycle management

For support, contact Anita Pivac, Head of Innovation Development Support:

Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Knowledge and technology transfer support is provided to research groups planning commercialization or already engaged in it in various stages of technology transfer, which includes:

  • Preparation for commercialization through market opportunity assessment and innovation positioning opportunities
  • Izrada preporuka za poslovno odlučivanje (eng. business case) u različitim fazama transfera tehnologije te povezane analize – analiza tržišta, analiza troškova i koristi, razrada poslovnog modela
  • Izrada plana izlaska na tržište i povezanog plana upravljanja intelektualnim vlasništvom
  • Podrška u komercijalizaciji putem licenciranja rješenja: identifikacija i kontaktiranje potencijalnih partnera, osnovna valuacija intelektualnog vlasništva (određivanje cijene i uvjeta licenciranja) kao priprema za pregovore, pregovori za sklapanje ugovora o licenciji, podrška u upravljanju sklopljenim ugovorima
  • Podrška u pokretanju poduzeća za komercijalizaciju inovacije (spin-offtvrtke): podrška u razradi poslovnog modela, identifikaciji izvora financiranja i investitora za tehnološki i poslovni razvoj, podrška u uređenju pitanja intelektualnog vlasništva između spin-off tvrtke i sastavnice.
    Više informacija i na…


Za dogovor javite se Vlatki Petrović, voditeljici Ureda za transfer tehnologije:

Property Management

We provide support in intellectual property management at the University, which includes:  

  • Informing about the processes and documents related to intellectual property management in research, development, and technology transfer 
  • Planning the steps of intellectual property management in innovation development projects and innovation commercialization
  • Informing about the possibilities of intellectual property protection and providing support in communication with external experts to achieve protection (e.g. patent attorneys, trademark agents)
  • Organizing events to raise awareness and educate on strengthening competencies in intellectual property management at faculties and at the University

For support, please contact Vlatka Petrović PhD, Head of the Office for Technology Transfer: